
Star Wars Retrospective

Retrospective Format

Star Wars Retrospective

Gather your team for an interstellar retrospective that’s out of this world! Step into the boots of the galaxy’s bravest rebels and wisest sages. Ready your lightsabers, tap into the Force, and prepare to explore the stars and beyond with the Star Wars Retrospective. Perfect for "May the 4th Be With You" celebrations or any day to unleash the Star Wars fan in everyone.

Warm up

Begin the retro with "Yoda Says." Join Master Yoda in his hut on Dagobah. He's pondering a lesson from the past sprint and needs your wisdom—reversed, of course! Here’s how you play:

  1. Optionally, turn on Brainstorming mode to keep participants' entries hidden.
  2. Invite your team to share a valuable lesson from the past sprint, phrased as Yoda might say it.
  3. Have your team write their insights as cards under the '🧙 Yoda Says' column.
  4. Once all insights are gathered, reveal the wisdom by turning off Brainstorming mode, and have a lively discussion as you explore each Yoda-style insight!

🧙 Yoda Says

Wise lessons from sprint, in Yoda speak, share you must

What lessons of significance did we learn this sprint? Try expressing them in Yoda's style, like this: "Much to learn, we still have. Mistakes, the greatest teacher are."

🌟 Galactic Triumphs

Highlight our top victories from the sprint

What successes did we achieve this sprint? Share the standout moments where we really shone, like the brightest stars in the galaxy.

🌑 The Dark Side

Identify challenges and setbacks faced

What went wrong this sprint? Discuss any obstacles or difficulties we encountered, and how they affected our mission.

✨ Use The Force!

Brainstorm improvements to help us to victory

How can we improve for the next sprint? Think creatively and suggest ideas that harness the Force for better strategies and solutions.

🏅 Rebel Honors

Recognize contributions from the heroes among us

Who are the champions of this sprint? Give a shoutout to those team members who went above and beyond, fulfilling the legacy of the Rebel Alliance.

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